fredag den 8. marts 2013

Binzer is my fridge

Yesterday I had to choose between being at home for half an hour and getting bored at the school for half an hour. I was hungry but I had no money. I called up Binzer and asked if he was home, which he was. I rang his doorbell and he let me in. I had something to eat and something to drink and then I left. Binzer is my fridge.
Where Binzer lives has there always been an old barn outside. It has been an auto mechanic's, and it's actually the only original barn left in Copenhagen.
When we were younger we would make up stories about what was going on in this scary, empty building.
Now they're tearing it down. It will be gone in a week or two. Monday we're planning to go in there and take some pictures.
It's gonna be legend-wait for it

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